SOCIB data entries are each data file in the SOCIB Data Repository resulted from the adquisition (real time, delayed time, delayed mode) and processing (L0, L1, L2) of the observations reported by SOCIB instruments and/or platforms.
SOCIB API enables the discovery of this data by means of several filters (i.e. data mode, processing level, instrument type, platform type, feature-type, standard variables, initial datetime, end datetime, ...) as well as its access either as JSON or netCDF format.
SOCIB data sources are collections of entries wrapped together to represent the outcome of a given source: the deployment (configuration and installation) of an specific instrument and/or platform at some location and time for monitoring purposes.
SOCIB API enables the discovery of this data by means of several filters (i.e. instrument type, platform type, feature-type, standard variables, initial datetime, end datetime, ...) as well as its access either as JSON or netCDF format.
SOCIB data products are collections of datasets wrapped together to represent the outcome of the observation programs, campaigns and projects in the SOCIB Data Repository.
SOCIB API enables the discovery of this data by means of several filters (i.e. instrument type, platform type, feature-type, standard variables, initial datetime, end datetime, ...).